Features and Enhancements delivered in the August 18th, 2017 Amazon Chime release.
Note: On 8/24/17 we released a hot fix for the iOS, OSX and Android clients to address a bug.Expanded country support for dial-in attendees during the free trial
We added local dial-in numbers for the following 8 countries (making a total of 22 countries) which are supported during the Amazon Chime 30 day free trial from AWS. The complete list can be found here: https://answers.chime.aws/questions/268/which-countries-have-international-dial-ins-that-i.html- Australia
- Canada
- Denmark
- Italy
- Japan
- Lithuania
- New Zealand
- Switzerland
Continued accessibility improvements
Amazon Chime Windows client
- We improved the tab order on the main Amazon Chime window and the meeting join screen.
- Tab and Shift+Tab commands can be used to navigate between fields.
Amazon Chime OSX client
- You can now use ⌃⌘F (Ctrl+Cmd+F) to toggle full screen. Improved native full screen behavior and we now present a full width call control bar only when you mouse to the top edge of the screen vs a minimal version with any mouse movement at all.
Consolidating the controls on the meeting window
On the menus displayed when you are attending a meeting, we consolidated the Settings options into the More menu ... Change audio and Change video controls are now under the More menu. The Show my own video tile option has been moved under the Change video sub menu. These changes were made to the Windows desktop client.
Microsoft Active Directory support for users with multiple email addresses
If you have multiple email addresses setup in your Microsoft Active Directory, you can now sign in and schedule meetings with any of your work email addresses. Other Amazon Chime users will also be able to use any of your work email addresses to add you as a contact or invite you to meetings.Your primary email address will be the one displayed under your name in the main Amazon Chime window.
Please note that the email domains of all the work addresses must be associated with and claimed in a single Amazon Chime account.
Proxy Support
Amazon Chime now supports connections to our service via unauthenticated Squid proxies. The Amazon Chime client auto detects the proxy config from the user’s system settings. Please note that this support is for both Windows and OSX desktop clients and the Amazon Chime for Outlook Add-in.Please work with your sales team to let us know if you have a proxy configuration that is not yet supported.
Resending Notifications
If a message or @mention is sent to your active desktop device and you don't read it within an allotted amount of time, Amazon Chime will send the message to your mobile device(s) a few minutes later.Amazon Chime for Outlook Add-in
The Amazon Chime Outlook Add-in now provides a way to remove the meeting instructions after the meeting has been created. Users can return to a previously scheduled meeting and choose Remove Amazon Chime Meeting and the add-in will remove meet@chime.aws and the optional pin+##########@chime.aws from the invite as well as instructions that were included.Bug fixes
- Do not play notification sound for 1:1 or group message when app is in the foreground (Android)
- Allow a user to complete the add attachment action when they switch between tabs and return (Android)
- Don't crash when join and leave a meeting (Android)
- Display applicable chat history before new message is sent (OSX)
- Don't crash when joining a meeting and not connected to a network (OSX)
- Support Copy/Cut/Paste actions under the Edit menu (Windows)
- Support Ctrl+C for chat select copy and paste (Windows)
- Add spaces to the PIN provided in the iOS dial-in screen for readability. (iOS)
- Let user join the next call even if they do not respond to the previous meeting ended dialog (iOS)
- Display a more descriptive error when the last Admin tries to leave a chat room (iOS)
- Don't crash when user clicks attachment while message being sent (Windows, OSX, iOS)