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Amazon Chime 5.22 Release Notes

Amazon Chime 5.22 Release Notes

UPDATED 2023-10-10

Version 5.22 delivered for iOS in the October 10, 2023 Amazon Chime release

  • Fixed an issue where your meeting, when joined from another Amazon Chime client, would drop if you dismissed the meeting ring on your iOS device. [iOS]

UPDATED 2023-09-13

Version 5.22 delivered for Android and iOS in the September 13, 2023 Amazon Chime release

  • Re-enabled the grid view option for the roster (attendee list) following performance optimization. [Android]
  • Fixed an issue where video and screen sharing would unexpectedly also be disabled when disabling the mic and speaker. [iOS]
  • Fixed an issue with DNS resolution to the video service that would cause video connections to fail. [Android]
  • Fixed crashes. [iOS, Android]
  • Improvements to metric collection for client-side app usage. [iOS, Android]

Version 5.22 Features and Enhancements delivered in the August 29, 2023 Amazon Chime release

This release of the Amazon Chime application includes bug fixes, and performance enhancements including the following:

  • We improved how the Amazon Chime Windows and macOS clients check to ensure you are connected to our servers. [Windows, macOS]
  • We will now display your Custom Status Message under your Display Name.
  • We ensure that when you use Headset call control to join a meeting when multiple meetings start at the same time to make sure you are joining the correct meeting.
  • We have also included security enhancements, performance improvements, and additional client metrics.

amazon chime 5release notes
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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


Find more information about the Amazon Chime solution, pricing, customer references, getting started, and other resources.



BethChimeAWS contributed to this article AkarshChimeAWS contributed to this article