
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

How do I use the Amazon Chime add-in for Outlook on my macOS to schedule meetings for someone else?

It seems like something changed and the Schedule Chime Meeting icon is no longer displayed

outlook add-inmacosoutlook for mac
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1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered

UPDATE 11/16/20

You can no longer schedule meetings for someone else from Outlook on Mac, there was a change to the experience after the macOS Outlook 16.42 client update.

We only support scheduling meetings for someone else using the Amazon Chime add-in for Outlook on Windows. Visit

If you want to schedule a meeting for someone else and you use macOS. You can do the following:

  1. Have the other user add you as their Amazon Chime delegate
  2. Make sure you can schedule meetings on the other user's Outlook calendar - Exchange setting
  3. Ask the other user to generate a few meeting IDs using their Amazon Chime client
    1. Open Meetings and choose Schedule a Meeting
    2. Choose the security preferences
    3. Click Next
    4. Copy the meeting instructions to a Word document
    5. Repeat a few more times to generate enough meeting IDs that you can use to rotate for security and to prevent back to back meeting merge events
  4. Schedule meetings and use on of the meeting instructions provided by the user and make sure to invite if you want auto-call
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