
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

Is Amazon Chime Compatible With iCloud?

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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.

1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered

The short answer is No.

Here is why:
  • Amazon Chime is not currently able to associate an iCloud calendar entry with scheduled calls because their calendar invites are not tied to a specific email account, but rather to an internal account created and maintained by their service.
  • When using iCloud, instead of the calendar event being generated by something like, it gets generated by something like:
  • Because Amazon Chime uses the email address to determine who should get notified and invited to our service, we cannot use the id generated by iCloud.
10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


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