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Browsers support for the Amazon Chime web app

The Amazon Chime web app is available at

Browser Requirements

The following browsers are supported for the Amazon Chime web application. We don't support mobile browsers at this time. To open the Amazon Chime web application, sign in to from a supported web browser.

  • Connecting to audio calls from a supported browser requires both microphone and speakers
  • Browsers supported for chat:
    • Google Chrome (latest three versions)
    • Mozilla Firefox (latest three versions)
    • Safari (latest three versions)
    • Chromium Edge (latest three version)
  • Browsers supported for meetings, video, and screen sharing:
    • Google Chrome (latest three versions)
    • Mozilla Firefox (latest three versions)
    • Chromium Edge (latest three versions)
  • Browsers with limited meeting support (*):
    • Safari 10 or later for macOS
  • Note
    (*) Limited meeting support requires you to dial in for audio and does not support sharing video (video viewing is supported). Screen sharing and viewing is supported.

Web app device permission management for Google Chrome

Web app device permission management for Firefox

If your web browser is not in the supported list above, please download and install the Amazon Chime client for Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android.

chatmeetingsweb apprequirementsbrowsers
10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


Find more information about the Amazon Chime solution, pricing, customer references, getting started, and other resources.



BethChimeAWS contributed to this article AWSRyanMc contributed to this article ElliottChimeAWS contributed to this article

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