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akarshchimeaws posted

Amazon Chime 5.19 Release Notes [iOS, Android]

Version 5.19 delivered in the Apr 27, 2023 Amazon Chime release.

Amazon Chime version 5.19 is available to users via the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Dark Mode

  • Dark mode can help make Amazon Chime easier on your eyes by using a darker, higher-contrast color theme.
  • Turn on dark mode in the app by navigating to ‘Settings > Appearance > Dark Mode > Done’.




Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where users could get stuck on a loading screen when transferring a meeting between devices. [iOS Only]
release notesiosmobileandroiddark mode
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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


Find more information about the Amazon Chime solution, pricing, customer references, getting started, and other resources.



AkarshChimeAWS contributed to this article