
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

How do I ensure that I am seeing and managing all the Amazon Chime users at my company?

domainenterprise account
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1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered

To manage all your users, convert your Amazon Chime Team account to an Enterprise account.

You will be asked to "claim" your email domain(s) and directed to verify your domain ownership.

Once you do this, all users who complete the Amazon Chime registration (complete with email verification) that are associated with those email domains will be displayed in the Amazon Chime Administration Console.

Please visit the Amazon Chime Administration Guide section Create an Enterprise Account for steps needed to complete this process.

10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


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