
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

How do I remove a claimed domain?

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1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered
As an IT Administrator that has access to the Amazon Chime console and the following IAM roles; chime:ListDomains, chime:GetDomainShows and chime:DeleteDomain; you have the ability to remove a domain that has been claimed and associated with your Amazon Chime account.

The Remove option can be found by signing into the Amazon Chime console ( and navigating to the Domains tab. Each domain that is claimed will have it's own Remove action.

When you remove a domain that has been Verified from your Amazon Chime Enterprise account, the following happens:
  • Users associated with the removed domain will be immediately signed out of all devices and will lose access to all contacts, chat conversations and chat rooms.
  • Meetings scheduled by users from the removed domain will no longer start.
  • Suspended users will continue to be displayed in Suspended status on the Users list page and User detail page and will no longer be able to access their data. They will be blocked from creating a new Amazon Chime account with the related email address.
  • Registered users will be displayed in Released status on the Users list page and User detail page and will no longer be able to access their data. Users in Released status will be able to create a new Amazon Chime account using their related email address.

For Enterprise Active Directory accounts

When you remove a domain that is associated with a user’s primary email address, that user will no longer be able to access Amazon Chime and their profile will be deleted.

If you remove a domain that is associated with a user’s secondary email address, they can no longer log in with that email address, but they retain access to their Amazon Chime contacts and data.

For Enterprise LWA accounts (using for authentication)

While individual user accounts are deleted when the AWS or Amazon Chime account is deleted and the link between the Amazon Chime profile and the individual account is removed, the account is not automatically removed. To delete the associated accounts, please direct your users to go to ( and delete their account.

After a domain has been removed, it is then eligible to be claimed following the standard verification process provided in the Amazon Chime console.
10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


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