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bethchimeaws posted

Amazon Chime now includes additional dial-in numbers for India

Amazon Chime now includes additional dial-in numbers for India

We are now offering 10 local numbers:

  • India Bangalore (1): +91 80 6480 2009
  • India Bangalore (2): +91 80 6180 0598
  • India Chennai (1): +91 44 6480 2009
  • India Chennai (2): +91 44 6697 2922
  • India Delhi: +91 11 6480 2009
  • India Hyderabad: +91 40 6480 2009
  • India Kolkata: +91 33 6480 2009
  • India Mumbai (1): +91 22 6480 2009
  • India Mumbai (2): +91 22 6241 6519
  • India Pune: +91 20 6480 2009

A new local toll-free number is provided as well, which does not have the same requirement of enabling International service for use:

  • India Toll-Free: 1800 266 0826
    (+91 country code omitted as this is the number dialed from within India)

Meeting hosts who want to include the India numbers for their meeting participants can add them using the Schedule Meeting Assistant or the Amazon Chime for Outlook add-in.

Please be sure to update any upcoming meeting instances or existing recurring meetings series that are using the current India Toll-Free number with the new dial in options.

10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


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BethChimeAWS contributed to this article