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Do Not Disturb and adding a message when you are Out of the Office

Do Not Disturb presence status and optional messaging

The Do Not Disturb status eliminates distracting notifications when you are on holiday, in an important meeting, or generally do not want to be disturbed.

When your presence is set to Do not disturb, you will not be rung for meetings or calls, and all Amazon Chime notifications will be suppressed across all devices. This includes app badge notifications, toasts, and mobile push notifications for messages and meetings. Your presence status will be updated (red circle with a line through it) and a message is displayed in the menu that indicates that you are not getting messages.

The Do not disturb status can be set quickly from the User menu or from a mobile devices in Settings (gear icon) > Status section and when a user send you a 1:1 message they will be presented with a message indicating that you have your status set to Do not disturb. You can also set it in conjunction with the Custom status message which also includes the option to include a message that is displayed in the Do not disturb banner.

  • Choose Add a custom status message from the User menu on desktop or web clients or from Settings > Status on mobile clients. Choose one of the quick select options or click on the emoji and add your custom text (max of 40 characters).
  • Check the Do not disturb option. Checking this gives you the option to choose Add a message and provide text (max of 100 characters) that you want Amazon Chime to display in the Do not disturb banner.
  • Check the Internal only option if you want the message to only be displayed to Amazon Chime contacts during 1:1 messages that are in your company’s Amazon Chime Team or Enterprise account. When this is unchecked, the Do not disturb message will be included for all users that send you a 1:1 message.
  • When you choose Save your status will be set to Do Not Disturb and the message will be displayed to the selected 1:1 contacts.


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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


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BethChimeAWS contributed to this article