Request attachments
Amazon Chime offers the ability for IT Administrators of Enterprise accounts with appropriate permissions to request and receive attachments that have been uploaded into the service by their users.Note: For Amazon Chime Team accounts, IT administrators can either upgrade to an Enterprise account by claiming one or more domains or they can remove users from the Team to enable those unmanaged users to get their attachments using the Amazon Chime Assistant.

When submitted, the system processes the request in approximately 24 hours, and provides a file containing a list of pre-signed URLs to access each attachment. IT administrators with appropriate IAM permissions will then be able to download the file containing links to all of their users’ attachments returned as part of the Request attachments action.
Please be sure to maintain an appropriate level of access control on the delivered file. Any user that obtains the file can use the provided list of URLs to download the associated attachments. Pre-signed URLs will expire after 6 days, and requests can be submitted once every 7 days.
IAM actions for Request attachments
When using IAM policies to manage access to the Amazon Chime Administration console and the Request attachments action, use the Amazon Chime FullAccess managed policy or update a custom policy(s) to include:
- The StartDataExport action to grant IT administrators access to the Request attachments action on the Account summary page.
- The RetrieveDataExport action to grant IT administrators access to download the file containing links to all user attachments returned as part of the Request attachments action.