I tried the readiness checker (https://app.chime.aws/check) and received an error.
I tried the readiness checker (https://app.chime.aws/check) and received an error.
To see if your device is ready to use with Amazon Chime, use the Amazon Chime Readiness Checker at https://app.chime.aws/check.
The Amazon Chime Readiness Checker checks the speaker, microphone, camera, screen sharing, and connectivity to the Amazon Chime services.
If you receive a failure after running the checker, please refer to the section below.
For more details, please reference our documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/chime/latest/ug/checker.html
Is the speaker device connected and turned on?
Is the volume turned up?
Confirm your operating system default system speaker device.
Check your browser settings to confirm that Amazon Chime is allowed to access your speaker device.
Is the microphone device connected and turned on?
Confirm your default system microphone device.
Check your browser settings to confirm that Amazon Chime is allowed to access your microphone device.
Is the camera connected and turned on?
Confirm your default system camera.
Check your browser settings to confirm that Amazon Chime is allowed to access your camera.
Are you using the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser?
Update your browser to the latest version. Screen share is available for Chrome version 72 and Firefox version 66 or later, and native Amazon Chime desktop applications.
If you have updated your browsers and you receive a warning, try restarting the browser and run the check again - there can be times that the update is not completely applied until after a restart.
Is UDP traffic inbound and outbound blocked by a firewall or antivirus/security application?
Does your network go through a proxy that is blocking the Amazon Chime traffic?
If connectivity checks fail, you may want to switch to a different network or dial into meetings in the short term and work with your IT department to enable Amazon Chime connectivity.
For detailed information about connectivity requirements, see Network Configuration and Bandwidth Requirements in the Amazon Chime Administrator Guide.
View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.
Find more information about the Amazon Chime solution, pricing, customer references, getting started, and other resources.
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