
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

How can I manage my Contacts?

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1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered

Amazon Chime provides two levels of contacts. Your personal contacts (called My contacts) and all registered users that are a part of your Company’s Amazon Chime Team or Enterprise Account.

There are a number of places where you can quickly find users. Whether you are looking to send a new Message, invite someone to a Meeting, add someone to a Chat room or add a user to your Favorites.

To view your contacts, choose the Contacts button on the top launch pad or View my contacts on the Home page under Quick actions.


NOTE: The names displayed in My contacts are Amazon Chime users that you have explicitly added and are typically a sub-set of all the users that you interact with. While there may be other users that you see in chat rooms and attend meetings or chat with, My contacts provides a list that You manage to reduce auto complete search results when performing common tasks such as adding users to a meeting, inviting users to chat rooms, adding a user as a delegate, etc.

Add contacts to your My contacts list by either:

  • Enter their name or email to search all Amazon Chime users that are a part of your Company's Amazon Chime Account and then select the Add to my contacts action.
  • To add colleagues who are outside your company’s Amazon Chime Team or Enterprise account or invite others who are not registered yet, enter their email address and select Add. If there is not a user that is registered with that email address, Amazon Chime will add that user’s email address - their name won’t show up unless they complete the process of creating an Amazon Chime account. We recommend you direct new users to our Getting Started instructions

When you select a contact, we display available actions you can take, including: Message, Call, or Add to Favorites or Remove from favorites.

Select Delete contact and that user will no longer be displayed in your My contact list - they will remain searchable using auto complete. NOTE: Users that are suspended or removed from your company's Amazon Chime Team or Enterprise Account will no longer be searchable, but if you had a thread open with them, the messages will be available to you until your company's retention period is exceeded.

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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


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