
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

Is there a limit to how many users can be in a chat room?

chat roommaximumlimit
10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.

1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered

No, there is no limit to the number of users that can be in a single chat room. There is also no limit to the number of chat rooms that any single user can be a member of.


  1. Chat rooms called out here are different than the chat that is provided in a meeting. As the limit for meeting attendees is 250, the max number of users in a meeting chat is also 250.
  2. Currently, when there are more than 50 users @all and @present notifications are disabled. Also, on the Windows client, when there are more than 50 users we will not display the individual user's presence status in the @ mention user list.
10 |600

Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


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