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Recording an Amazon Chime Meeting

What you need to know about how Amazon Chime provides meeting recording.

  • Audio and any screen sharing during Amazon Chime meetings can be recorded. The maximum duration of a single meeting recording is 12 hours.
  • Attendee video is not recorded.
  • Who ever is screen sharing during the meeting should make sure to check the Suppress all notifications while screen sharing option in their settings (Windows: File > Settings > Notifications tab macOS: Amazon Chime > Preferences > Notifications tab)
  • The organizer, a delegate, or moderator has the record option listed under the More menu in the meeting window. Other attendees do not have the option to record.
  • The authenticated attendee that initiated the recording receives a file via Amazon Chime Chat from the Amazon Chime Recordings user.
    • Note If a moderator starts the recording and is joining from a phone, in-room video system, or an unauthenticated Amazon Chime client (in these situations the user's name on the roster will be surrounded by brackets, e.g. <Sammy> or <+155512345678>) the recording will be sent to the meeting host via Amazon Chime chat from
  • Start recording by choosing More > Record Meeting (or on mobile choose Record Meeting from the options menu).
  • Stop Recording by choosing More > Stop Recording (or on mobile choose Stop Recording from the options menu). The recording will also be stopped when the meeting is ended.
  • Recordings are processed before they are sent. Very long recordings (e.g. 12 hours) may take up to an hour or more to process and deliver the recording file to the requester.
  • The file is an .m4a if only audio occurred during the recorded period.
  • The file is an .mp4 file if there was also screen sharing during the recorded period.
  • Amazon Chime sends a separate chat thread and file for each start and stop cycle.

If you need to recall a message thread with your recording, we recommend adding as a contact.

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Up to 25 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 10.0 MiB each and 96.4 MiB total.


View the Amazon Chime User, Administration Guide and API Reference on the AWS Documentation site.


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BethChimeAWS contributed to this article AWSRyanMc contributed to this article Jason-AWS contributed to this article