
bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws asked

Why isn't my domain claim request getting verified?

I submitted my domain using the Admin Console and updated my domain's DNS settings.
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1 Answer

bethchimeaws avatar image
bethchimeaws answered
After choosing to claiming your domain in the Chime Admin Console, follow the directions provided to add a TXT record to the DNS server for your domain which involves signing in to your domain's account, finding the DNS records for your domain, and adding a TXT record with the name and value provided by Amazon Chime.

Amazon Chime checks for the existence of this record to verify that you own the domain. After the domain is verified, its status changes from Pending verification to Verified.

Note: Propagation of the DNS change and verification by Amazon Chime can take up to 24 hours.

Use one of the following to verify your DNS record is visible to the Internet.
  1. Check using
  2. Use the dig command dig txt
    In the output of the command, verify that IN TXT matches the TXT value provided by Chime when requesting the domain.
  3. Use the nslookup command nslookup -type=TXT <name server>. In the output of the command, verify that the string that follows text = matches the TXT value provided by Chime when requesting the domain.
Below are some possible causes and solutions if you attempt to verify a domain and encounter problems.
  • The host entry of the TXT record does not include the underscore (_) – Make sure the host entry of the TXT record includes an underscore (_) in front of "amazonchime". Use the the verification steps above and ensure the query returns the expected validation Name shown in the Amazon Chime console (e.g.
  • Your DNS provider appended the domain name to the end of the TXT record – Some DNS providers automatically append the name of your domain to the attribute name of TXT record. For example, if you create a record where the attribute name is, the provider might append the domain name, resulting in To avoid duplication of the domain name, add a period to the end of the domain name when you create the TXT record. This step tells your DNS provider that it isn't necessary to append the domain name to the TXT record.
  • Your DNS provider modified the DNS record value – Some providers automatically modify DNS record values to use only lowercase letters. Amazon Chime only verifies your domain when it detects a verification record for which the attribute value exactly matches the value that Amazon Chime provided when you started the domain verification process. If the DNS provider for your domain changes your TXT record values to use only lowercase letters, contact the DNS provider for additional assistance.

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